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Recent Maryland Court of Appeals Decision Ok’s Use of Alimony Guidelines in a Maryland Divorce

As stated in our October 2, 2009 blog on alimony the Court may consider, among others, twelve different factors in deciding how much and for how long to award alimony. However, these factors provide very little guidance on how much alimony is appropriate based on income and financial figures. In Boemio v. Boemio, No. 57, September Term, 2009, the Court held that the courts are not limited to the twelve enumerated factors in the statue and that given the difficulty of translating those factors into a numerical award, courts may consult guidelines developed by a reasonable and neutral source. Such guidelines are fashioned similar to the Maryland Child Support guidelines and provide a numeric formula. The Circuit Court in this case consulted the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyer’s guidelines but the Court of Appeals held that courts may also consult other guidelines such as the Women’s Law Center Kaufman Alimony Guidelines.

For more information on alimony, contact an experienced Maryland family law attorney.

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