Alimony, also known as spousal support, is a payment or a series of payments made from a former spouse to the other that serves as a continuation of the economic responsibilities made during the marriage. There are three types of alimony awarded in Maryland. The first is pendente lite alimony…
Maryland Divorce Lawyer Blog
Maryland Final Protective Order – Dismissal
I recently represented a Respondent (the person against whom the protective order has been filed) in a Final Protective Order hearing in the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, where the Petitioner alleged that he was placed in fear of serious imminent bodily harm by his wife, the Respondent. When representing…
How is Child Support Calculated in Maryland – Just the Basics?
A common inquiry for Maryland divorce lawyers is how child support is calculated with questions such as, is it based on the custody arrangement, the amount of income of the parties, are the parent’s expenses taken into consideration, and what about expenses associated with the child? The answer, for the…
Maryland Child Support Modifications
With the economic downturn, more and more clients are filing for modification of their child support obligation, in an attempt to decrease the amount they owe every month. In fact, according to the Associated Press The Maryland Child Support Enforcement Administration has seen an 18 percent increase over the last…
Non-Marital Funds Used to Purchase the Marital Home: What Happens to Those Funds In a Maryland Divorce?
With more and more Maryland couples coming to a marriage with substantial assets, those couples have property disposition issues at the time of divorce. For example, I am frequently asked what happens to the marital home that is titled as tenants by the entirety, but that one spouse contributed a…
Consequences of Violating Maryland Visitation Orders
Many non-custodial parents (parents without primary physical custody) are left wondering what to do after being denied scheduled visitation with their child. As of July 1, 2009, those parents may not only have two, but three avenues to pursue. The first and most frequent method of enforcing a Maryland visitation…
Maryland Protective Orders – Interim vs. Temporary vs. Final
In the wake of the recent legislation signed by Governor O’Malley mandating Judges to order the surrender firearms as part of a final protective order, and authorizing Judges to order the surrender of firearms as part of a temporary protective order, it is helpful to differentiate between the two, and…
Jon and Kate Gosselin File For a “No-Fault” Divorce
In light of the Jon and Kate’s recent news and Kate Gosselin’s filing for a no-fault divorce, I have received many questions asking what is a “no-fault” divorce? Although the Gosselin’s divorce proceedings will be held in Pennsylvania, the law in Pennsylvania is similar to Maryland, in that a party…
Common Law Marriage in Maryland…or NOT in Maryland
As a practicing family law attorney in Maryland, I am often asked if Jack and Jill who have been living together for ten years now in the State of Maryland, but have never had a lawful marriage ceremony, are legally married under the doctrine of common law marriage? The answer…
Recent Maryland Court of Special Appeals Decision Rules that Parents Do Not Need to Show a Material Change in Circumstances in Order to Modify Visitation with Third Parties
On June 3, 2009, in the case of Barrett v. Ayres, the Maryland Court of Special Appeals found that Sharon Barrett did not need to show a material change in circumstances in order to modify the current set visitation schedule between her daughter and her daughter’s paternal grandparents, Bryan and…