We discussed the pending same-sex marriage legislation in our February 25, 2011 blog. In our blog we touched briefly on the rights of same sex unwed couples with children and thought the topic could use a little further explanation because there are consequences to not having a legal tie to…
Maryland Divorce Lawyer Blog
Recent Maryland Court of Appeals Case on Dissipation
Maryland law defines dissipation as when “one spouse uses marital property for his or her own benefit for a purpose unrelated to the marriage at a time where the marriage is undergoing an irreconcilable breakdown.” Sharp v. Sharp, 58 Md. App. 386 (1984). At issue is also whether or not…
Same-Sex Marriage in Maryland
As the Baltimore Sun reports, the Maryland Senate approved the Civil Marriage Protection Act on Thursday, February 25, 2011, which would allow same-sex couples to wed. Although the House of Delegates still needs to pass the Act, the Senate’s passage is still “historic.” We have previously blogged about the issues…
Uncontested Divorces in Maryland
As previously discussed in our August 15, 2009 blog, a divorce in Maryland may be filed on a no-fault basis (mutual and voluntary separation), after a one year separation period. Although parties may agree to file on a no-fault basis, they may not agree on the issues within their divorce,…
Maryland Divorce: Shorten the One Year Separation Requirement?
Many Maryland divorce attorneys believe that the one year separation period required for a no-fault divorce in Maryland is too long as reported by the Maryland Daily Record on February 14, 2011. For more information on the one year separation period for a divorce see our October 14, 2010 blog…
Discovery in Maryland Divorce Matters
When meeting with clients initially and discussing the general course of litigation, I will advise them that discovery is part of that process, which usually prompts many questions. First and foremost is what is discovery? Discovery is a litigation tool used to gather and exchange relevant information and potential evidence…
Divorce Costs Funded by Investment Firms
It is a situation in which many individuals seeking a divorce find themselves. They have high value assets to chase in their divorce proceedings, but no money to afford an attorney to do so. As the New York Times Reported on December 4, 2010 , a California based company, Balance…
How to Handle Your Spouse’s Substance Abuse Issues During a Maryland Divorce Proceeding
While your spouse’s substance abuse issues may not affect you nearly as much since you have separated, they certainly will continue to affect your children. Unfortunately, many clients are faced with these issues. It is important to address all substance abuse concerns at the beginning of a matter, by bringing…
What does Joint Legal Custody in the State of Maryland really mean?
As reported in our September 30, 2010 blog , there are two parts to custody in the State of Maryland, legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody is the ability to make decisions regarding the child’s health, education, religion and other matters of significant importance. Legal custody can be awarded…
Top Five Facebook Do’s and Don’ts for Those in the Midst of Maryland Custody Disputes
As a follow up to our June 30, 2010 and July 8, 2010 blogs on Facebook evidence in Maryland family law proceedings, we have compiled a top five do’s and don’ts for Facebook for parents in the midst of custody litigation. 1. Do disable your Facebook account. If you can’t…
Voluntary Impoverishment in Maryland Alimony and Child Support Cases
In my November 16, 2010 blog I briefly mentioned the concept of voluntary impoverishment. Maryland law describes voluntary impoverishment as freely, or an act by choice, to reduce oneself to poverty or deprive oneself of resources with the intention of avoiding child support, John O. v. Jane O. 90 Md.…
Top Ten Tips for Resolving Holiday Child Access and Making the Best of the Holidays
1. Well in advance of each holiday, refer to your existing Court Order, Separation Agreement, and/or Judgment of Absolute Divorce to determine what your Order and/or Agreement sets forth for each holiday. 2. Communicate to the other parent, (preferably in writing via e-mail or text), your interpretation of the existing…
2010 Holiday Disputes in Maryland Custody and Visitation Matters
With the holidays approaching many clients may be facing uncertainty or conflicts as to where their child(ren) will be spending the holiday. We always advise clients to plan holidays far in advance so a schedule can be arranged that is best for the child(ren). It is important to develop a…
Monica Scherer Wins Contested Custody Case for out-of-state Father in the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, Maryland
I recently tried a custody matter in the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, in which I represented the father of the minor child. The father came to our office in January 2010, after he had arranged for his minor child to reside with him upon learning that the child’s mother…
No Fault Divorce Now Law in All 50 States
On October 13, 2010 Consumer Reports.com reported that no-fault divorce has become available in all fifty states, with New York making no fault divorce part of their laws on October 12, 2010. A no-fault divorce is a divorce filing in which no fault based grounds need to be alleged, such…