In April 2024, the Baltimore City Department of Social Services (the “Local Department”) notified Silverman Thompson’s client it had found him to be a person responsible for indicated child physical abuse of an infant foster child. Through diligent advocacy, Silverman Thompson helped a very deserving family achieve the justice they…
Maryland Divorce Lawyer Blog
Registering an Out-of-State Custody Order in Maryland
Courts in Maryland will accord full faith and credit to a child custody determination issued by another state, unless the order has been vacated, stayed, or modified by a court with jurisdiction. Maryland courts are required to recognize and enforce a child custody determination from another state or foreign…
How Do I File for a Divorce in Maryland?
Filing for divorce in Maryland can be a complex and emotionally challenging process, but the assistance of an experienced Maryland divorce attorney can help guide you through the process. To file for an absolute divorce in Maryland, you must have a ground (or basis) on which to file. As…
In What County or City Should Your Maryland Divorce Be Filed?
Divorce is a civil proceeding and therefore like all civil proceedings, the action shall be brought in the county or city where the Defendant (opposing spouse) resides, carries on a regular business, is employed, or habitually engages. However, unlike other civil proceedings, a divorce proceeding may additionally be filed where…
Will a Foreign Divorce be Recognized as a Valid Divorce in the State of Maryland
Over the years, we have had many clients ask if a divorce that they obtained in foreign country will be recognized here in Maryland. The answer is yes, the divorce will be recognized in the United States, so long as the divorce was obtained by a Court that had authority…
Annulment Instead of Divorce in Maryland
A common belief is that a spouse may obtain a quick annulment of a marriage versus an actual divorce if they have been married for less than six months. While that may be the case elsewhere, it is not the case in the State of Maryland. In Maryland, an…
Understanding Department of Social Services Investigations and How to Appeal Finding of Indicated, Unsubstantiated, or Ruled Out Child Abuse and/or Neglect
What is a DSS investigation? The Code of Maryland Regulations (“COMAR”), Sec., et seq. codifies the process by which the local Department of Social Services (“DSS”) is to investigate allegations of child abuse and/or neglect, as well as the subsequent findings that may be reached at the end…
Application of Constructive Civil Contempt in a Recent Child Custody Case: Part 3 of 3
This article discusses the application of constructive civil contempt in a recent child custody case. It is Part 3 of a three-part series. Part 1 provides an overview of the law of contempt in Maryland. Part 2 includes a summary and analysis of Breona C. v. Rodney D., 253 Md.…
Breona C. v. Rodney D. and Constructive Civil Contempt in Child Custody Cases: Part 2 of 3
This article includes a summary and analysis of Breona C. v. Rodney D., 253 Md. App. 67 (2021), which clarified the law of civil contempt in child custody cases. It is Part 2 of a three-part series. Part 1 provides an overview of the law of contempt in Maryland. Part…
Overview of Contempt in Maryland: Contempt Blog Series Part 1 of 3
This article includes a brief overview of contempt in Maryland. It is Part 1 of a three-part series. Part 2 addresses the landmark case of Breona C. v. Rodney D., which clarified the law of civil contempt in child custody cases. Part 3 addresses the application of Breona C. and…
2022 Updates to Maryland Child Support Laws
The Child Support Administration is required by law to review the Child Support Guidelines every 4 years to ensure that application of the Child Support Guidelines results in appropriate child support awards. The Child Support Administration must report its findings and recommendations to the General Assembly. During the 2020 Legislative…
Updates to Maryland Divorce Grounds Coming in October 2023
If you are considering filing for divorce in Maryland, your filing must include the grounds, or basis, for the divorce. Beginning this fall, selecting the grounds when filing for divorce will become an easier determination. During the 2023 Legislative Session, the General Assembly passed bills eliminating limited divorce in Maryland…
What Does Use and Possession Mean In A Divorce Proceeding?
Use and possession applies to the family home and family use personal property. What is considered the “family home”? In Maryland, the “family home” is statutorily defined as real property in the State that was (1) used as the principal residence of the parties when they lived together, (2) is…
What Happens to Jointly Titled Marital Maryland Real Property in a Divorce?
In Maryland Ideally, parties in a divorce proceeding work cooperatively to determine and divide their marital real property and reduce the terms to what will become a portion of a written marital settlement agreement. By proceeding in this fashion, the parties can agree on who has title to the real…
Common Questions About Shielding Peace Orders – 2023 Update
Who are the parties in a Peace Order proceeding? In a Peace Order proceeding, the person who filed a Petition for Peace Order is called the “Petitioner,” and the person against whom the Petition was filed is called the “Respondent.” What acts can be grounds for a Peace Order in…